This is NOT OKAY!

This is NOT OKAY!

Why is it okay for any country to prosecute a foreign national for alleged offences committed outside that country’s own shores? If the US can do this to Julien Assange, they can do it to anyone, anywhere, any time.

Politics or Religion?

Politics or Religion?

Age old differences in opinion and ethos separate otherwise good people, keeping them in conflict and mistrust. Wars are fought; innocent and vulnerable human beings suffer and die because of a selfish few power hungry individuals and their followers.

Final Assault on Press Freedom?

Final Assault on Press Freedom?

Julian Assange reportedly came up with Wikileaks during the late 1990s. Today, he’s languishing in a British prison, as he waits for potential extradition to the United States. This post is about why.

Rupert Murdoch & Media Influence in Politics

Rupert Murdoch & Media Influence in Politics

Just how much influence can, or should, one person and their private business organisation have in world politics? Here are some fun facts about Rupert Murdoch’s influence, not in any particular order.